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What is Vision Therapy?

Vision Therapy is a part of optometric care that is devoted to developing, enhancing and improving individuals’ visual performance.  Many people are correctable to 20/20 sight, but that does not mean they have good vision.  Vision involves more than just sight. It involves eye teaming, eye tracking, eye focusing and active processing of the visual stimuli viewed.  A deficit in one or all of these areas can make it difficult for one to properly comprehend, learn and work in his/her environment.  Vision therapy is intended to help improve these areas (which prescription glasses typically do not help) making the visual system more efficient.


Vision therapy is usually prescribed in-office once or twice a week for 30 minutes to one hour, with additional activities to perform daily at home. During vision therapy different activities/tests are administered to help improve visual comfort, efficiency of the visual system and change how a client processes or interprets visual information.  Vision therapy is tailored to each individuals abilities, focused on developing or improving the visual weaknesses present, while also enhancing the client’s positive visual attributes.


For further information concerning, please feel free to call EyeCare Associates in York and Central City, NE at (402) 362-4592 or (308) 946-2612.