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Meet the experienced and friendly doctors who make EyeCare Associates one of the leading provider of vision care products and services in York.

Dr. Amy Kadavy

Dr. Amy Kadavy joined EyeCare Associates in August of 2007. She graduated cum laude from Southern College of Optometry in 2007 and summa cum laude from Doane College in 2003.
Professionally, she is a member of the American Optometric Association, the Nebraska Optometric Association, the Contact Lens & Cornea Section, Beta Sigma Kappa Honorary Society, and the Rigid Gas Permeable Lens Institute.
Because she enjoys working with children, she received part of her training from Children’s Mercy Hospital in Kansas City and now participates with the Infant See & the See to Learn free screening programs for infants and children.
In the community, she is a member of Emmanuel Lutheran Church, a Chamber Ambassador, and former president of the York Area Chamber of Commerce. She grew up in Gresham, Nebraska, and now resides in York with her husband Kelly, son Aidan and daughter Adelyn.

Dr. Faith Schneider

Dr. Faith Schneider grew up on a farm outside of Deshler, Nebraska. After high school, she attended the University of Nebraska-Kearney where she competed on the cross country and track teams and earned her Bachelor of Science degree in Health Science. She obtained her Doctorate of Optometry from the University of Missouri-St. Louis College of Optometry in the spring of 2012. After optometry school, Dr. Schneider completed a one-year residency program at the University of Missouri-St. Louis College of Optometry, specializing in pediatrics/vision therapy/binocular vision disorders/learning-related vision disorders.
She enjoys working with patients of all ages and is passionate about helping children with vision processing disorders that make learning a challenge.
She is a member of the Nebraska Optometry Association, American Optometry Association, and American Academy of Optometry.
In 2015, Dr. Schneider moved from Ogallala to be part of the York community with her husband, Ryan, and their five children, Joel, Molly, Bode, Maggie, and Meredith.
In her free time, she enjoys reading, running, and spending time with her family.

Dr. Karli Schoch

Dr. Karli Schoch was raised in Jansen, Nebraska. She completed her undergraduate degree at Doane University where she received her Bachelor of Science in Biology.      Dr. Schoch is a graduate of Northeastern State University Oklahoma College of Optometry.  During her education, Dr. Schoch received extensive training in all aspects of primary eyecare; including eye infections, ocular diseases such as macular degeneration and glaucoma, contact lenses, and pediatrics.  Dr. Schoch was named one of the top clinicians of her class and was also awarded Excellence in Contact Lens Patient Care for her overall knowledge in the contact lens field, as well as, skillful, considerate, and professional care of patients.
Dr. Schoch practices primary eye care for patients of all ages. She has specific interests in family vision, specialty contact lenses, and myopia control.  Dr. Schoch is a member of the American Optometric Association and Nebraska Optometric Association. In her free time, she enjoys spending time with family, friends and her husband Jordan, gardening, golfing, and making new recipes.

Dr. Richard Kant

Dr. Richard Kant graduated from the University of Houston College of Optometry in 1981. Before that, he obtained a Bachelor of Science degree from the University of Nebraska in Lincoln. Currently, Dr. Kant is a member of the American Optometric Association & the Nebraska Optometric Association.
As an involved member in the community, you might know him from the Optimist Club, Emmanuel Lutheran Church, or the golf course.
Practice life began in York in 1981 when he was first associated with Dr. James Stansberry. In 1998, Dr. Kant merged his practice with Dr. Don Witte to form EyeCare Associates LLC.
Dr. Kant enjoys golf, yard and garden work, and college athletics in his spare time. Go Big Red!