Hand-Held Magnifier
Low Vision is a significant impairment that cannot be fully corrected with glasses, contacts, medication or surgery. Macular Degeneration, Diabetic Retinopathy, Glaucoma, or an eye injury are some causes of Low Vision.
Symptoms can be experienced at any age, but it is more commonly found in ages 40 and older. You may experience difficulty and find yourself unable to do every day tasks like reading, writing, and watching TV as well as other hobbies that you may enjoy.

Stand Magnifier
If you have noticed changes in your vision, see your eye doctor right away. Low vision is not a normal symptom of aging. Routine eye examinations may help diagnose eye diseases early. It is important to treat those conditions that can be helped.

Video Magnifier
Losing vision does not mean giving up your activities, but it does mean applying new ways of doing them. Visit with Eye Care Associates about what will work best for you, based on your activities and degree of vision impairment; we have multiple devices available to better improve your lifestyle.

Illuminated Reading Glasses